Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I interrupt my Rocky Mountain travelogue because...


Even in the face of adversity, NLBG overcame.

The Set-up:
Ricky: A bike crash several weeks ago. Injured right arm severely curtailed his time in the saddle for a couple of weeks.

Moi: A fairly significant work-induced si joint flare-up just two weeks ago. Managed to keep spinning every other day at home, but kept having alignment issues and pain on the left side. Cause for concern, obviously. Took a short 30 minute spin on Thursday and did not feel well. Enjoyed a good workout on Friday with Sam who once again had to put me back in place!

Sooo...here comes the Challenge:

5am: Up and at it! Loaded the gear and the bikes and headed out, southwest to Dripping Springs, just after 5.30am. Thankfully, we left not a minute too soon because we spent a bit of time in traffic crawling our way to the parking area. Light, easy 1-2 mile warm-up spin from the parking to the start line. Just a twinge of si joint discomfort. Bonded with another si joint sufferer in line for the Port-A-Potty.

Start corral: Stretches. Lovely singer for the national anthem. Lance kick-off speech. Excitement seeing so many bikes, so much yellow. 90 milers led the way...when we 45 milers rolled out, I exhibited good restraint, spinning lightly and slowly, to pace myself. So many get so excited, they seem to burn themselves out fairly quickly, while others simply crash (saw aftermath of a few such crashes).

Mile 5: First serious stabbing pain in my si joint. Not a particularly good sign with another 40+ miles to go!

Mile 12 (rest stop): Considerable pain intensification as I neared the stop. PT exercises, prone on the asphalt drive of a ranch across from the rest stop. Fueled up on PB&J sandwich squares and more Accelerade, and the time came to pedal on.

Mile 15: Discouragement. My muscles were OK (apart from that right psoas, but that's the left si joint's doing!)...not a question of strength or endurance...it's that si joint and the havoc it wreaks.

So, time to remind myself of the following: that this pain must not compare to the pain of those suffering from cancer, that I cannot quit, that I must plug on, no matter how long or slow the going, that I would do it, that I could find a rhythm, squeeze my abs and my glutes and keep my legs spinning in spite of my lower back, and that it's a tremendous experience, and a gorgeous ride and good.

Mile 25 (rest stop): Sheriff's escort..here comes Lance with others, two columns of them, riding by so easily, no need to stop, of course! Noted was the fact that they had covered more than twice the distance we had by that point!

Miles 25-40: Just lovely. Pedaled alongside a survivor, who has recently finished chemo, this his first Challenge, as he was too weak last year to try even the 10 mile ride. Stopped to take a photo of the scenery. Started to feel as if I were beating my si joint into submission. Good spinning.

Mile 40 (rest stop): Ready to get it done. Recalled a right turn and a hill just past the rest stop. Turns out, it wasn't as steep or long as I had thought. Stronger spinning down Hwy 290 for the final 2 miles.

Finish: Being cheered on feels so wonderful. All smiles. All yellow. All done.

Ready for the 62 mile ride next year!

1 comment:

Zwieblein said...

Congratulations! Rah!!