Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A Mighty Fine Apres-midi

for a fabulous pedal across town in the late afternoon sun, the cloudless sky affording a peculiar clarity today. Passing through patches of shade on the winding, hilly streets lined with houses four times the size of ours, some with gated entries, we flew downhill, breezing past a few walkers and runners, before climbing slowly up the next little hill. there are times when I feel I'm standing still, stuck in time, so to speak, halfway up a slope, my legs turn, but there seems to be no forward progress until eventually, the pedaling becomes just ever so slightly less strained and I realize I've made the crest. Then comes the reward...flying downhill again. I delighted today in imagining these times later in the summer, in the 100+ degree heat, shielded from the sun by the limbs of escarpment oaks and pecans, savoring the air blowing against my face as I coast to the next incline, and ultimately the lake, where it's flatter and faster for a good stretch that's briefly void of red lights and stop signs.

Through downtown and back up through campus, it's always curious obtaining glimpses of other people as I pedal by...GQ boys sipping what I imagine to be a crisp, dry Pinot Grigio at their sidewalk table, professionally-clad girls winding down happy hour following another day in their cubicles, conference attendees from out of town traipsing back to their hotels, and those lanky, hipster boys on their fixies gliding so effortlessly down the street, nothing, not red lights, not cars, not pedestrians, poses any obstacle for them.

All-in-all, a mighty fine ride with a mere twinge of knee pain, loads of sights, spectacular weather, and tasty Accelerade to keep me moving.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Tendonitis, Be Gone!

It fades away stubbornly, reminding me still that it's just there. No jogging, deep tissue massage, acupuncture and careful training have enabled me to pedal both Saturday and Sunday down to Lady Bird Lake and back and have a strong workout (including walking lunges with weights) yesterday with Sam.

YIPPEE!! I'm seriously on the mend!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Winnie the Pooh Test

Your Score: Owl

You scored 16 Ego, 12 Anxiety, and 13 Agency!

"Correct me if I am wrong," he said, "but am I right in
supposing that it is a very Blusterous day outside?"

"Very," said Piglet, who was quietly thawing his ears,
and wishing that he was safely back in his own house.

"I thought so," said O-wl. "It was on just such a
blusterous day as this that my Uncle Robert, a portrait of whom
you see upon the wall on your right, Piglet, while returning in
the late forenoon from a-- What's that?"

You scored as Owl!

ABOUT OWL: Owl is considered highly educated because he can spell his own name (WOL) and he can even spell Tuesday... although he doesn't always get it right. Owl is a good sort, really, although he can be a bit of a stuffed shirt, and he tends to overlook the smaller details in life - like the fact that his bellpull is actually someone's tail.

WHAT THIS SAYS ABOUT YOU: You are confident and you feel capable of dealing with whatever life throws at you. You know that you can handle just about everything... mostly because you know how to delegate the job of actually handling things to the people around you. You aren't one of those Bisy Backsons, who rush around trying to do everything at once. You prefer to stay at home and reflect on life, rather than go out and live it.

Sometimes, you know, you need to stop waiting for things to come to you and go out and get them. You need to go enjoy the weather, smell the fresh air, and pay attention to the little people in your life. They may not be as great as you... but maybe they could use your help.

Pooh Test: take it yourself!

The Unforeseen

Needs to be seen!

It's beautifully shot, and it will make your heart ache.

How much is enough? What is the real cost of development? Who benefits? Is there more "value" in leaving green space undeveloped? Is it worth more to act for the public good and to protect natural resources?

Check out the trailer.