Friday, February 1, 2008

Cedar, Still

But that won't stop me.

The weekend forecast is sunny and warmer, and we all know what that means! A training we shall go!

(Mal)heureusement, no wheels involved. "Why?" you inquire (even if you're not, I'm telling you anyway). This brings us to these brilliant ideas of mine, which almost always astound myself AND Ricky. Ideas like walking a half marathon, for instance. And, oh, the pressure. 13.1 miles in under 4 hours? With my hypermobile si joints and Ricky's healing lumbar discs? Are we mad? (I'll refrain from answering that one for the moment).

So, training, right? Right. Well, we both have sessions with our trainer today (yep, Ricky now sees Sam weekly as well). Tomorrow will be our day off (shockingly, the NLBG may attend the American Gladiators casting call because Sam is planning on trying out!). Sunday morning...we're looking at a 10-13 mile walk. We survived 10 last Sunday, but we need to pick up the pace a little to improve our time.

The next couple of weeks, then, will be devoted to our walking training and much less to our spinning. Once we get this out of our system, the NLBG will pedal more!

1 comment:

Zwieblein said...

I am SO envious about attending the American Gladiators event! Take pictures for me-- and good luck with the half marathon!