Monday, March 31, 2008

Cap 10K Recap

A funny time for a race, just three hours after going to sleep, following three hours of non-stop dancing, er, "rockin' the casbah", but out of bed I popped when Q-tip came knocking on the door. Ricky couldn't even roll over in bed, much less get vertical, so he missed out on the Cap 10K for the first time since we moved here.

Anyway, approaching the start line, got energized by Evil (seriously, what would a race be without him?!) and a light rain shower. We walked at least half of it and jogged, slowly, most of the second half, walking if my knee bothered me. All in all a good one. Saw a few good costumes as well: Frost Bank tower, ballerinas, a "green" armadillo, etc.

Topped it off with a Bueno burger from Mother's. Yum!


rickshaw said...

oh well-

i've never missed the roundup!

Amanda said...

I got selected as a delegate to the Livestrong Summit!!!! :)